April 05, 2003

I am sooo still drunk.


I'm your third broken window
your hair full of glass
throw your clothes in the hallway
just a sheet on your back

so you're super-connected now
all the freaks gather round
and the crowd in your bedroom waits
for a piece of your personal space

are there heartstrings connected
to the wings you've got slapped on your back
better climb in the window cause I'm closing the door

I'm your third broken window
with your hair full of glass
saw your clothes in the hallway
just a curtain on your back

are there heartstrings connected
to the wings you've got slapped on your back
better climb in the window cause I'm closing the door

my heart spinning on a dime
my heart spinning on a dime
now I'm spinning on a dime

like you claim to do
like you claim to do
right now
right now

are there heartstrings connected
to the poison coming out of your mouth
are you super-connected
are you super-connected now

I'm spinning on a dime
throw your clothes in the hallway
and I'm closing the door


Posted by orion at April 5, 2003 11:02 AM | TrackBack