July 20, 2003

You think I'm kidding.

spigot: hey rory

RoryGilmore1008: Hi spigot! I'm Just finishing an IM with Lane. In the meantime, what would you like to talk about?

RoryGilmore1008: My video recommendations, Classes not yet filled at Miss Patty's, What I learned this week, Travel aspirations, Things I pretend to like because Dean likes them

spigot: what videos?

RoryGilmore1008: Mommie Dearest - Wire hangers and big eyebrows... need I say more?
Want me to tell you more about this or do you want to try something else?

spigot: tell me more, rory

RoryGilmore1008: Air Force One - Dumb but fun, as Harrison Ford is the President trapped by terrorists on his own plane. But don't rent it with Lorelai, who'll spend the whole time saying things like, "I'd like to see George Bush do that," and "Daddy couldn't bail you outta this one, could he, Georgie-boy?"
More about this, or do you want to try some other stuff?

spigot: tell me more

RoryGilmore1008: Rear Window - Jimmy Stewart plays a photographer who breaks his leg and then discovers a murder while spying into his neighbor's house. After Lorelai broke her leg in yoga, she spent a lot of time looking through Maury and Babette's windows, till, as she told me, "I saw something no one should see."
Want to know more? Or talk about something else?

spigot: of course rear window, duh

RoryGilmore1008: run that by me again.

spigot: you're slow sometimes rory

RoryGilmore1008: run that by me again.

spigot: yeah. Didn't you break up with Dean in like September?

RoryGilmore1008: I like IMing with Dean even though we just got off the phone with each other
Want me to tell you more about this or do you want to try something else?

spigot: Isn't Dean getting married to someone else?

RoryGilmore1008: Things I like to do with Dean, Classes not yet filled at Miss Patty's, Music I'm listening to, My video recommendations, Assorted rants

spigot: Rory, you need to let go.

RoryGilmore1008: run that by me again.

spigot: Let's talk about your hot mom

RoryGilmore1008: She has held onto her childhood diary over the years as one of her most prized possessions. There is one entry in it. "June 27, 1979: Today I got a diary." She still thinks she may write in it one day.
I could tell you more, or you can check out www.gilmoregirls.com.

spigot: tell me more about the hottie

RoryGilmore1008: As a kid, Mom once locked herself in her room for an entire day when she realized she'd never meet The Bay City Rollers.
Want me to tell you more about this or do you want to try something else?

spigot: I could introduce her. I know two Bay City Rollers.

RoryGilmore1008: So what you're saying is... I'm not really sure what you're saying.

spigot: I'm saying, do you think you could hook me up with Lorelai?

RoryGilmore1008: She's got suede hot pants. Fuchsia. With an on/off switch.
There's more I could tell you, but I'm cool with chatting about something else too.

spigot: Dude, tell me more about the hot pants

RoryGilmore1008: She has a T-shirt with the phrase "Feelin' Groovy." The embarrassing part is she just bought it this year.
Want me to tell you more about this or do you want to try something else?

spigot: is the t-shirt kinda tight?

RoryGilmore1008: Hi spigot! I'm Just finishing an IM with Dean. In the meantime, what would you like to talk about?

RoryGilmore1008: Classes not yet filled at Miss Patty's, Things I pretend to like because Dean likes them, Secret stuff about my Mom, Travel aspirations, Things I like to do with Dean

spigot: Rory, have you been taking the pot?

Posted by orion at July 20, 2003 06:25 PM | TrackBack